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Creating tomorrow.     Joining forces.

Creating tomorrow. Joining forces.

Innovative and sustainable building for a better world: We at MACO are making our contribution to this - and are pooling our strengths to achieve it.

Our Future Report 2024 brings the numerous ecological, social and economic initiatives to the fore.

Creating tomorrow. Joining forces.

Our future report 2024
Creating tomorrow. Joining forces.

How we shape tomorrow today.

Sustainability is firmly anchored in our DNA. We have also taken further decisive steps towards a circular economy in 2023. But one thing is clear: we cannot move towards a green future alone. We need strong partners to drive sustainable change forward together.



The current Future Report 2024 provides an insight into how we are pooling our strengths in the MACO Group and driving forward circular business: In addition to environmental measures and social initiatives, it shows how MACO implements responsible corporate governance - in all business areas, markets and along the entire production chain.

In line with our circular economy approach, we are presenting our sustainable commitment purely digitally. Just click through!
